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Abbotsford BC is updating their shoulder patch and want your help...


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Quoting their Facebook account:
Hello Abbotsford. We are considering updating our official patch and want you to be a part of the process.
As members of our community, we request that you submit ideas of symbols you think mark, characterize, or stand in line with our vision of “Strength in Community” and represent Abbotsford.
How do you do this?
Go to our website at www.abbypd.ca/community-patch-design to download the badge template and show us your drafts by emailing your completed patches as PDF’s as well as a brief explanation of your chosen symbols and design to us.
We look forward to seeing your completed Patches.
Project Deadline: December 18th, 2023.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's an article about updating the LaSalle, Ontario Police Service shoulder patch back in 2020.


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