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Forum Participation Guidelines

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Please review our forum participation guidelines. You must be a registered member of the community to participate in any of the CPICA forums.


All participants are expected to obey the simple set of rules posted below.

  1. We reserve the right to remove any post at any time for any reason
  2. The use of profanity is not allowed. An "integrated watchdog" will monitor your post and attempt to expunge objectionable language. Continued violations may result in the loss of access and participation in these forums. 
  3. "Flaming" of other participants is strictly forbidden. Professional conduct is a primary requirement for participation in any of the CPICA forums.
  4. Attacks on moderators will not be tolerated and may result in an immediate ban. Moderators have to make difficult judgment calls; however, if you have a concern about a particular moderator or treatment of a post by a moderator, please email us at Contact.CPICA@Yahoo.ca for review
  5. Spamming, in any form, is strictly forbidden.
  6. You may not use the CPICA forums for the purpose of advertising or promoting commercial endeavors. These posts will be removed. If you are interested in advertising on our site, please contact us at Contact.CPICA@Yahoo.ca
  7. You may include URLs or active links to commercial sites for the purpose of expanding on comments or providing additional information as part of regular forum interactions.  For example, if a member asks for a recommendation on a commercial entity, you may comment on their post with detailed information regarding your business as long as you disclose your affiliation with the entity (e.g., owner, employee,  receive a commission).
  8. Please respect the privacy of other members. Do not share any identifying or other personal information that was not offered by the original poster.  Member email addresses and contact information are confidential and are for the personal use of members only.  Sharing of this information outside of the CPICA community without the expressed consent of the individual is strictly prohibited.
  9. Political, religious or sexually oriented posts, pictures, links, signatures etc. are not allowed in these forums and will be removed without notice or discussion.
  10. CPICA is not responsible for any content or comments posted by forum participants. If you wish to log a complaint, please email us at Contact.CPICA@Yahoo.ca for our investigation.

Bob Pyefinch and Mike Stoltz


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