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Its Official: West Nipissing Disbanding - OPP Arriving


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will be following closely.  Sturgeon Falls is quite a fair size community. Will OPP have the same number of officers per capita?  it will be interesting of how it will develop in the followings months/year. 

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North Bay Nugget  – Ontario Provincial Police will not be taking over policing in West Nipissing in the near future. Barry Bertrand, chairman of the West Nipissing Police Services Board, said the transfer of policing from West Nipissing Police Service to the OPP was stopped by a decision in Sudbury District Court Thursday. "The judge stated the motions to have the Ontario Provincial Police take over policing duties from West Nipissing Police Service are still there, but they can't be enacted until we have our day in court," Bertrand said. "This is a victory," he said. "It now gives the opportunity for feedback." The police board claims the process to accept the OPP's costing proposal was flawed and biased.

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