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Warning: Sending Items to Germany - Theft and Loss Rampant!!

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Hello - Recently two small packages sent to Germany, to two different individuals and weeks apart,  were reported back to me as not having arrived. More then enough time has elapsed for them to arrive. Due to this loss some research shows that the German Postal system has grown  to become notorious for theft and loss due to its contracting out delivery service since around 2011.....So just a warning to all collectors/traders/Ebayers you are taking a high risk these days in dealing with sending items to Germany...I for one will no longer deal with anyone in Germany going forward due to my recent losses.

Thank you.................................John Cookman

For more info:




Lost a nice pair of model 4 aluminum Peerless handcuffs about a year ago to this country.


sorry to hear about your loss John.  about 2 years ago. fellow mailed an " Opp Corporal Retired" badge. mailed from southern east of Ontario. The envelop had a rip in top corner.... no badge. Attempts were made to track but no avail. i was fortunate the fellow sent my money back....however rather have the badge!

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